Club Officers 2023-24

  • President: Linnea Lentfer
  • Vice-President: Hollin Keyser Parker
  • Treasurer: Rilke Grimlund
  • Safety Officer: Meg MacLaury 
  • Other: Jens Bartel, Georgie Walker, Katie Davis, Adrián González, Lorna Bohnenstiehl

Interested in Nordic? Contact Charlie Roslansky ( for more information!

Nordic Skiiers

Winter 2025 Practice Schedule

  • Coming next Fall!

2024-25 Roster

  • Winter 25!

2024-25 Winter Event/Competition Schedule

  • TBD

 About the Nordic Ski Club

Carleton Nordic Skiing Club is for skiers of all levels. We offer:

  • 1-2 Workouts a week in fall and spring terms
  • Daily practice throughout winter term
  • Winter training with a coach for those interested in Racing
  • Transportation to ski off campus
  • On campus fun races
  • Transportation to citizen races for competitive skiers
  • Full sets of equipment for both skate and classic to rent
  • Twice weekly PE classes where participants can either learn to skate or classic ski

There is a part-time coach in the winter with students leading additional lessons and workouts. We invite anyone interested to join us and start loving snow!